Our Service

Digital Forensics Services

Our certified digital forensics experts provide actionable and accurate results to our clients. Our forensics consultants have expertise in helping organisations collect, investigate, preserve, and present digital evidence. Right from extracting data from the electronic evidence to processing it into actionable, and finally reporting the findings, we cover it all. We boast of providing advanced data recovery solutions too.


We use sound forensic techniques and methodologies to provide services including Disk Imaging and Analysis, Ransomware Forensics, eDiscovery, Data Forensics, and Incident Response (DFIR), etc.

Data Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)

Data Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)

Combining digital data investigation services with incident response, we offer expert services to regulate complicated cybersecurity incidents. This service aims to identify, investigate, and remediate cyberattacks, litigations, and other digital investigations.


Digital forensics collects, evaluates, and presents digital data, uncovering what happened on a device, system, or network. Incident response just like digital forensics investigates computer systems by analysing data as a response to a security incident.

Computer and Mobile Device Forensics

Computer and Mobile Device Forensics

As the name suggests, computer and mobile device forensics conduct the forensic examination of the organisation’s computers and mobile devices. The forensics include deep investigation and data retrieval operation on a smartphone or a computer.


With this service, we ensure no photo, video, GPS history, social media activity, incoming and outgoing calls log, contact, calendar, etc. are lost. Our forensic experts are adept at accessing, retrieving, and preserving every byte of data efficiently and legally.



In our Electronic discovery or e-discovery service, we offer to obtain and exchange electronic data or evidence in an investigation or litigation. The e-data can be located, secured, retrieved, and searched to be used as evidence.


E-discovery is often used in civil and legal processes in a court of law. The data collected in the e-discovery can be emails, texts, social media posts, texts, audios, calendars, instant messages, spreadsheets, animations, etc.

Ransomware Forensics

Ransomware Forensics

Ransomware forensics service is a way to investigate cybercrime and seek a solution to the malware attack. We investigate and analyse different aspects of the attack and find a way to recovery. In the process, different methods are used to indicate vital insights to recover and decrypt lost data.


Ransomware forensics involves a deep investigation that relies on digital evidence. Our forensic tools are powerful to use which enables us to act with speed.

Disk Imaging and Analysis

Disk Imaging and Analysis

In the Disk Imaging and Analysis process, our forensic experts create a copy of the disk and then examine the same using special forensic investigation tools.


A disk image includes data such as hidden directories, boot records, deleted files, unallocated sections, etc. A Forensic Disk Image is like a cloned copy, which is used for investigative purposes to prevent data alteration in the main system.

Cyber Lab Establishment

Cyber Lab Establishment

With Cyber Lab Establishment services, we ensure to deal with cyber law, cybercrime, and digital forensic cases effectively and efficiently. The cyber lab is a hybrid structure that supports both virtual and physical modes of cyber law and data forensics.


Cyber Labs can be engaged in activities like malware detection, ransomware deactivation, penetration testing, etc. in a controlled environment.



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